The MyID Self Service allows students and employees to manage their Seneca password. Setting up your reset email and/or SMS cellphone facilitates changing and managing your account's password.

Change password
Change your password often and regularly. Use a strong password that is at least 12 characters long and that contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Setup Self Service Password Reset methods
Set up personal email and/or SMS cellphone number as password reset methods if you forget your password.

Reset password
When you forget your password and can no longer access your account. You can use Self Service Password Reset if you previously setup Self Service Password Reset methods.

Retrieve username
When you forget your username, you can use this service to retrieve your username and email address.

Setup Microsoft Multi Factor Authentication (Students only)
Once you set up MFA for your account, you will be automatically opt-in to use MFA when log in with your account to services that require MFA. You can verify your current MFA settings and make changes, such as adding or changing the Microsoft Authenticator app.

Need Help?
For more information, update and useful links, please visit our ITS support website.